Are you in a Network Marketing business that you’re Struggling with?
- State: New York
- Country: United States
- Listed: September 13, 2011 2:58 am
- Expires: This ad has expired
Or Are you a former Network marketer who still hasn’t given up on your dream and need some help determining what a truly worthwhile Opportunity is?
Well there is a System, a Tool Box that includes a conversation tool, a training tool, a marketing tool, a sorting tool, a recruiting tool, a retention tool and a duplicating tool. All of them are available to you.
MentoringForFree is that system. I discovered it at the end of 2007 after wasting thousands of dollars and struggling for 4 1/2 years in ignorance with only my dream to keep me going.
What I learned from this system was that I had been set up to fail. That no matter how hard I worked – and I DID work hard – I couldn’t succeed because the deck was stacked and the cards were dealt from the bottom.
I learned that a legitimate Network Marketing company MUST have 5 Pillars, and missing just one is like an engine trying to run with one cylinder not firing at all. Missing two or more – forget about it!
You can get started with this system AT NO COST TO YOU WHATSOEVER FOR AS LONG AS YOU WISH by downloading a free copy of this eBook SUCCESS IN 10 STEPS, written by Michael Dlouhy and Richard Dennis.
These men and this system have literally saved and changed my life.
Here is the link:
I would be honored to walk you through this system and get you the help, the education and the information that will enable you to Own Your Life and Live Your Dream.
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